Work & Projects

My work has primarily been in game-related fiction and videogames, along with original horror scripts for fiction podcasts.

Novels & Novellas

The Soul Drinker Series

  • Soul Drinker
  • Crimson Tears
  • The Bleeding Chalice
  • Chapter War
  • Hellforged
  • Daenyathos (Novella)
  • Phalanx
  • Soul Drinkers (Novella)

The Grey Knights series

    • Grey Knights
    • Dark Adeptus
    • Hammer of Daemons
    • Imperial Fists Series
    • Endeavour of Will (Novella)
    • Seventh Retribution
    • Malodrax

    The Horus Heresy Series

    • Galaxy in Flames
    • Battle for the Abyss

    Warhammer 40,000

    • Daemon World
    • Rockfist (Novella)
    • Blood on the Sacred Mountain (Novella)
    • World Engine
    • Cassius (Novella)


    • Von Horstmann

    Frostgrave/Ghost Archipelago

    • Farwander

    Roleplaying Books

    • Carrion Call (WFRP 2nd ed.)
    • Mousillon: Barony of the Damned (WFRP 2nd ed.)
    • Dark Heresy Core Book
    • Deathwatch Core Book
    • Ruins of Ur (World of Darkness)
    • Murder Will Out (World of Darkness)
    • The Black Sepulchre (Dark Heresy)
    • Church of the Damned (Dark Heresy)
    • Sleeper: Orphans of the Cold War Core Book
    • Baron (Sleeper novella)
    • Manhattan: Capital of the World (Carbon 2185)

    Video Games

    • Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus


    • Out of Place Seasons 1&2
    • SCP Files Season 4
    • Mayfair Watchers Society